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TR 400/110kV Kletné – část rozvodny 110kV
30 března, 2014
TR 400/110kV Mírovka – rekonstrukce R110kV
30 března, 2014
TR 110/35kV Žatec – novostavba BSP
30 března, 2014
TR 110/35kV Dražice – kompletní rekonstrukce
30 března, 2014
TR 110/35kV Poříčí, Trutnov- kompletní rekonstrukce
30 března, 2014
Bytový dům Náchodsko
30 března, 2014
Panelový dům Jaroměř
22 září, 2013
Rodinný dům Třebešov
22 září, 2013
Flippin Bird
23 března, 2013
Box – Ext. Content
23 března, 2013
The Moose
23 března, 2013
By far the best team I've ever worked with. They truly understood the look I was going for and completely nailed it! I would highly recommend them as a company, you simply just won't find any better team!
Greg Ross, ThemeNectar
It was really fun getting to know the team during the project. They were all helpful in answering my questions and made me feel completely at ease. The design ended up being twice as good as I could have ever envisioned! Don't wait any longer to call up the team, you're only hurting yourself by postponing!
Jeff Gemmell, ThemeNectar
I'm wondering why I never contacted these guys sooner! Seriously, they all have commendable talent in their respective fields and knocked my concept out of the ballpark. Thanks for an amazing experience!
Mark Levin, ThemeNectar